“Greatest Gift” by ‘tude Vox Ro

During these transformative times, many people feel vulnerable, confused and afraid. While we may not always see inner visions with physical eyes, we remind ourselves
The future is what we make and allow to be.  No matter what the challenge, remembering the people and things we love sparks the powerful healing effect of gratitude. Joy and laughter are especially important during periods of sickness, unemployment and uncertainty because they cause us to suspend fear-based thoughts and help us feel balanced. That feeling moves us in the direction of our thoughts.

Introducing “Greatest Gift”
Music by Dave Meredith
Vocals produced and engineering by
Scott Sumner

“Greatest Gift” is about releasing limiting thoughts that impede health, prosperity and happiness. The song moves listeners through challenges by engaging the receptive mind.  Forward this link to everyone you know facing challenges with health, finances, faith or relationships to let them know you care.

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